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пожалуйста перевод it’s a strange sensation. A new place that seems familiar an event that you’re sure has happened before. How many of us have had

5-9 класс

this experience? Apparently over 70%. It’s called déjà vu and according to the experts it’s not something new but has been happening to people for hundreds of years!So, what explanations are there for this strange feeling that is both confusing and uncomfortable? Some scientists think it is related to dreams and memory. It appears that although the majority of us cannot recall our dreams, we actually store the memory of dreams inour long term memory. This deep memory can comeback sometimes when we are in a similar situation andmakes us think that we have done this before.However , as usual, not all experts agree. Those who believe in reincarnation – the idea that we have all lived before – say that these feelings are fragments of memories from previous lives. But, whatever the reasonfor déjà vu, one thing it does show is how complicatedand amazing our brains are and that we are a long way from understanding completely how the brain, and inparticular, how our memories work.

и Are the sentences true or false?

DrArtishok 30 нояб. 2014 г., 12:48:06 (9 лет назад)
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30 нояб. 2014 г., 14:35:11 (9 лет назад)

это странное ощущение. Новое место, что, кажется, знакомы событие, которое вы уверены, что случилось раньше. Как многие из нас испытали это? По-видимому, свыше 70%. Это называется déjà vu и, по мнению экспертов, это не что-то новое, но что происходит с людьми в течение сотен лет!Так, что объяснений не существует для этого странное чувство, что это так запутано и неудобно? Некоторые ученые думаю, что это связано с мечты и памяти. Похоже, что, хотя большинство из нас не может вспомнить наши мечты, мы на самом деле сохранения памяти снов inour долгосрочной памяти. Это глубокая память может вернуться, иногда, когда мы находимся в аналогичной ситуации andmakes нас думать, что мы сделали это before.However , как обычно, не все эксперты согласны. Те, кто верит в перевоплощение, - идея, что все мы жили раньше, - говорят, что эти чувства являются фрагменты воспоминаний из прошлых жизней. Но, что бы ни reasonfor déjà vu, одно это показывает, как complicatedand удивительный наш мозг, и что мы еще далеки от понимания, полностью, как мозг, и в частности, как наши воспоминания работы.и Есть предложения истинными или ложными?
1Déjà вю-ощущение, что что-то знакомое-незнакомое. 2 Люди испытывают déjà vu для thelast сто лет. 3 Некоторые люди думают, что déjà вю связано todreams мы не можем вспомнить. 4 Некоторые люди думают, что это не первый наш или только жизнь. 5 Скоро мы сможем понять, насколько наши brainswork   ну как то так:)    


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите решить,пожалуйста.Хотя бы одно здание( 7 класс

-----1. Use the verbs in the list in the past continuous to complete the sentence:
Write,buy,ride,take (2), read
2) He ... A book when the doorbell rang
3) Peter ... A boat trip on the Nile River
4) Kim and Sam ... Souvenirs while Harry and Suzy ... Photos of the pyramids
----2. Put the verbs in brackets into past perfect or past perfect continuous:
1) they went to the museum after they ....( finish ) their work
2) he ... (Sleep ) for two days and felt very tired
3) her eyes were red .... (She\cry)?
4) greg...(look) for his book for two house before he found it
5) they were lost because they (not\take) a map with them
-----3. Change the sentences using " used to " keeping the meaning:
2) Harry liked taking long walks in the countryside when he was young
3) when I was ten I went to the cinema every weekend
----4. Choose the correct prepositions
2) The city Is popular for\with its museums and ancient buildings
3) the museum is popular for\with tourists
4) he wants to share fis experiences with\in you
5) Peter went in\on a business trip to China
-----5. Make up collocations. Fill in: wander,spicy,play,amazing,freezing cold,breathtaking,scary
1) ... Wind
2) ... Darkness
3) ... By ear
4) ... Food
5) ... Around the castle
6. .... Adventure
7) ... Performance

Our pupil's book

your friend's computer
his sister's video film
their granny's flowers
перевидите пожалуйста

Write sentences to describe:

1)two things you do every morning.
2)two annoying things your friends do.
3)the time you get up and go to bed/
4) two arrangements you've made for this weekend.

Читайте также

Ответьте, пожалуйста, на вопросы! Ответ на Английском! СРОЧНО! 1) How many books have you read? 2) How many new films have you seen? 3) How many

new friends have you mad? 4)How many interesting people have you met? 5) What new places have you been to? 6)Who have you helped? 7)Who has helped you?

Пожалуйста перевод.

I m the waiter, you know!
explained the man in the black coat.
Wont you sit down,Madam siad the Mary Poppins has asked him to join them.
They began their afternoon-tea and the wainter stood beside them to see that they had everything they needed.
They darnk their tea two more cups,and then they finished the pile of raspberry-jam-cakes.After thay got up.
There is nothing to pay said the waiter,before they had time ro ask for the bill.
I t is a pleasure.You will find the merry-go-rund just over there!
Mary Poppins and her fiend saw some wooden horses in the trees.
Пожалуйста перевод срочно 30 балов

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!!!!ПЕРЕВОД МНЕ НЕ НУЖЕН!!!!!!!!!!!!! на вопросы в конце текста ответьте плиз

The olympic games are an international sports festival that began in ancient greece. in those days greek games took place every four year. they included not only sports competitions but also competitions in music, oratory and theatre performances. the earliest information about the olympic games goes back to 776 BC, but historians think that the games began long before that. the ancient olympics had only one athletic event - a footrace or a race for runners of about 183 metres (the lenght of the stadium). only men could compete or watch the games. during the games there was peace in the country. when the powerful, warlike spartans began to compete, they changed the programme of the games and included more sports in it. the winners of the games became national heroes. the Roman emperor theodosius ended the olympics in 394 AD because he thought that they were a pagan festival.
In 19 century the French nobleman Pierre de Coubertin got the idea to bring the Olympic Games back to life. With the help of the people who supported him he organized the first modern Olympic Games in 1896. They were a success. Athletes from thirteen countries came to Greece to compete in nine sports. Russia took part in them too. Now the number of countries taking part in the Olympic Games is much larger and so is the number os sports in which athletes compete. Like in ancient times, the Olympic Games take place every four years, yet in 1926 the tradition of the Winter Olympic Games also began. The noble idea of the Olympic Games is to make all people friends be competing on football fields, courts and stadiums. The International Olympic Committee heads the Olympic movement. Among other things the Committee chooses the place for the coming Olympics. It is a great honour for a city to become an Olympic one.The Olympic Games are probably the most important international sports event. Millions of people watch them, supporting their favourite teams and athletes. Many things have changed but like in ancient times winners of the Olympics become national heroes in their countries.
Who started the Olympics? When was it?What sports were there in the ancient Olympic Games?When did the Olympic Games restart? Whose idea was it?Who organizes them now?In what way are the modern Olympiads like the ancient games?Were there any Olympics during the World Wars?When did the first Winter Olympic Games take place?How often do the Olympic Games take place? Do the Winter and Summer Games happen in the same years?What summer/ winter OIympic sports can you name?What Olympic mascots can you remember?What cities were the Olympic capitals? Was Moscow one of them?In what Olympic sports are our sportsmen traditionally the best?

Очень срочно,!!!!!! помогите пожалуйста написать очень краткий пересказ этого текста от 3 лица, заменяя слова на более лёгкие. Сделайте персказ в

несколько предложенй.
About three weeks after I arrived at Lowood something terrible happened. We were all in class one day when Mr Brocklehurst came into the room with Miss Temple. I was very frightened. I had begun to feel happy at Lowood. Most of the girls and teachers were kind to me. Unlike Mrs Reed, they didn't think that I was a wicked child.
I tried to sit still so that Mr Brocklehurst would not notice me. But then I dropped my book with a loud noise. I wanted to die! I was so ashamed.
Mr Brocklehurst turned to me, and his eyes were cold and cruel, "Oh — I see it is the new girl — come here, Jane Eyre. I have something to say about you."
I was standing in front of Mr Brocklehurst when I heard Miss Temple say very quietly, "Don't be afraid, Jane. I saw that it was an accident." How kind she was to me at this terrible moment!
Mr Brocklehurst pointed to a chair and said, "Stand on that chair!" For the next ten minutes,
he told all the teachers and girls everything he knew about me. "She tells lies," he said, "The school must not talk to such a wicked girl." As he left the room, he said loudly "Jane Eyre must stand on that chair for half an hour and no one must speak to her until tomorrow morning!"
I was so ashamed. I wanted to die. "Now everyone will hate me," I thought. But suddenly I saw Helen. She wanted to give me her courage.
I did not leave my chair until everyone had gone for tea. Then I sat down in a corner and cried. I felt so unhappy and lonely. Soon Helen came into the room again.
"Jane," she said, "you mustn't cry, you know. We don't all share Mr Brocklehursfs opinion of you, I'm sure that many of us feel sorry for you."

Ребят! Кто хорошо знает Английский язык? Помогите пожалуйста, проверьте правильно ли составлены вопросы, особенно формы вспомогательных глаголов?

1) did you dream of this job in your childhood?
2) what was your parents attitude to you choice?
3) were you following the traditional job requirements whilst choosing the job?
4) how many other jobs have they had before you knew this was the one for them?
5) Was it hard at first or did you fit in easily?
6) did you make lots of friends?
7) what were you boss like?
8) what job satisfaction does you get?

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